دانلود موسیقی متن بازی Wolf Among Us پسورد فايل ها : Mb-Empire.com Episode 1 - Faith 01. Main Menu (02:07) 02. Fabletown (01:56) 03. Radio (Woodsman's Place) (01:09) 04. Vs Woodsman (01:49) 05. Faith (02:19) 06. I'll Be Fine (02:41) 07. Opening Credits (01:09) 08. Outside Luxury Apartments (01:00) 09. Inside Luxury Apartments (01:54) 10. Bigby's Place (03:12) 11. I Was Fine (02:49) 12. Relax (01:35) 13. Explanations (01:43) 14. Crane's Business Office (03:30) 15. Daytime (02:12) 16. Escapee (00:23) 17. Bad Liar (04:34) 18. Feeling (01:21) 19. Too Late (01:04) 20. Prince Lawrence's Home (01:19) 21. Chasing Dee (01:19) 22. Jukebox (The Trip Trap Bar) (12:59) 23. The Wolf Inside Us (01:01) 24. Cliffhanger (01:08) 25. Credits (03:41) Episode 2 - Smoke & Mirrors 01. Nightmare (00:39) 02. Beast Inside (02:30) 03. Pudding & Pie (02:27) 04. For My Arrival (01:42) 05. Interrogation (05:11) 06. Scared (03:59) 07. Dark Thoughts (02:19) 08. Little Mermaid (03:13) 09. One Of Us (01:07) Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile 01. The Big Bad Wolf (02:39) 02. Furious Hunt (03:20) 03. Funeral Crashers (04:35) 04. Calm (02:09) 05. Complications (03:02) 06. Secret Room (01:48) 07. Rachel (01:40) 08. Aunty Greenleaf (01:59) 09. Desperation (03:19) 10. Under Arrest (01:56) 11. Tables Turned (03:09) 12. Holly's Thoughts (04:40) Episode 4 - In Sheep’s Clothing 1. Let's Talk (01:08) 2. The Church (03:04) 3. Inside Luxury Apartments (Fast Ver.) (02:08) 4. Healing Wounds (01:37) 5. Worried (02:01) 6. Ribbon (01:18) 7. Just Like Home (01:48) 8. A Reminder (02:47) 9. Alchemy Lab (04:03) 10. Memory Spell (01:58) 11. VS Jersey Devil (02:10) Episode 5 - Cry Wolf 1. Crooked Thoughts (05:56) 2. A Fabletown Chase (04:50) 3. The Girl With the Ribbon (02:07) 4. Sheppard Metalworks (01:33) 5. Behind You (01:58) 6. The True Wolf (03:19) 7. Brought to the Community (00:23) 8. Finished (00:31) 9. Farewells (03:00) 10. Happily Ever After (04:07)